Statements and predictions-aganza from 2004
March/2008: It is 2008 as I write this. Been at the whole "" thing since the summer of 2003. This summer will mark five years of running, expanding, and perfecting Over those years, a lot of pedos, loons and generic ol' dumb people have said stupid things about PeeJ.
Recently I took a trip down memory lane and collected the best of the worst predictions and statements about Each one of these is from 2004 and all are ludicrous for various reasons. Sure, there are still dumb people saying stuff about us here in 2008... but the claims often change as various claims are disproved over the years.
Here's a special look back at the stupidity of yesteryear. You can read for yourself and see how accurate these statements and predictions are!
The "PeeJ will never get convictions or arrests" category...
From 2004...
From 2004...
From 2004...
From 2004...
From 2004...
From 2004...
The "Even if they get convictions Xavier will fire all the contributors" category...
From 2004...
The "Pedophile websites raided by the Danish and Americans are just rational discussion forums that are rational okay?" category...
From 2004...
The big "lawsuits will destroy them oh yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh they coming get r' done!" category...
From 2004...
From 2004...
From 2004...
From 2004...
Peanut butter is only awesome with chocolate.
Dean Martin is one cool cat, even if he has been dead for over a decade.
Motorcycles are pretty dumb.
There isn't a bad seat in the Rose Garden, period.
Organic beef is a great recipe for getting food poisoning, nothing more.
There, those were some fine judgements indeed.
From 2004...
From 2004...
The "Actually, they will all go to jailasaurus, Fred Flintstone" category...
From 2004...
From 2004...
From 2004...

"Hello Spider-man, I see you've been up to no good. All it will take is one court precident and I will get you shut down... FOREVER!"
Yes, that is definitely bad comic book villain dialog.
The "I have a better idea, I'll be vague so nobody can call me out on my bullshit four years from now" category...
From 2004...
The "random hilarious statements about Dateline NBC" category...
From 2004...
From 2004...
The "wishful thinking with autocratic despot line thrown in" category...
From 2004...
The "Xavier is a Nazi Kevin Smith" ending category...
From 2004...
From 2004...
The man is just not a rat.
Anyways, so sums up a nice look back at stupid statements from four years ago. I'm sure I can make this a yearly thing and we'll look at dumb statements from 2005 in 2009. Unless...
Recently I took a trip down memory lane and collected the best of the worst predictions and statements about Each one of these is from 2004 and all are ludicrous for various reasons. Sure, there are still dumb people saying stuff about us here in 2008... but the claims often change as various claims are disproved over the years.
Here's a special look back at the stupidity of yesteryear. You can read for yourself and see how accurate these statements and predictions are!
The "PeeJ will never get convictions or arrests" category...
From 2004...
If in every case, PJ was to go to the police with the initial information after being solicited by a perv the first time, and then let the COPS actually set up the sting and the "bust", I would recommend that our site be shut down tomorrow, and that we all go over to PJ and become contributers. Unfortunately, that is NOT what happens over there. In fact, they have a steadfast rule AGAINST contacting law enforcement.
A steadfast rule against contacting law enforcement? My goodness! I can think of 268 rebuttals to that claim, of course. Yay hindsight!
From 2004...
Key word here is YET. Actual law enforcement that has seen PJ forums deserve to be removed from duty, and I would like to see their endorsement of PJ's tactics. And if you can get a cop to endorse lynching, I will do all I can to have him removed from his position of trust to his community.
Fortunately, all the police that have worked with us have been pretty safe.
From 2004...
Probably? Definately! If we ever get to a point where our justice system allows the use of a text file which HAS been altered (little witty comments added), taken by an anonymous, untrained vigilante, on an unsecured computer, likely in someone's basement, and uses that as evidence to convict someone... That's it, just shoot me now & get it over with.
The rules of evidence requite ALOT more security and rigidity than what can be provided from some unknown PJer's Compaq Presario 486 (with the 14" monitor). That's not to say the testimony of a PJer, as a witness to an event cannot be used, but the "chat log" from a PJrs personal computer?... If that can actually be successfully accepted by any court in the land as "evidence" of anything, I'll let a dingo eat my baby!
I still haven't caught a news piece talking about a Canadian that let a dingo eat his baby yet, though. No convictions! Nevar!
The rules of evidence requite ALOT more security and rigidity than what can be provided from some unknown PJer's Compaq Presario 486 (with the 14" monitor). That's not to say the testimony of a PJer, as a witness to an event cannot be used, but the "chat log" from a PJrs personal computer?... If that can actually be successfully accepted by any court in the land as "evidence" of anything, I'll let a dingo eat my baby!
From 2004...
The chat logs are NOT admissible in court. And also, the chain of evidence is broken using PJ's methods. So of course the REAL police are not going to do much with the information. They legally can't.
Oh shit son, the cops can't legally use the evidence accumulated by us? Fucking A, someone should've spread the news!
From 2004...
A seasoned resource? You expect anyone to believe that police will enlist the help of a bunch of puerile, floundering un-criminal-brackground-checked anonymous college brats and assorted misfits to become their eyes and ears? If thats the case, the world as already ended.
WORLD IS OVA! It's ended! Call out the panic buttons, the core of the Earth has exploded and we're all now being shot quickly into spacezors.
From 2004...
Well even that remains to be seen. So far we have one or two arrests. No trial or conviction or sentencing yet. Ill love to see the defense lawyers tear apart PJs hackneyed methods. Impound a couple of PJ contributors PCs and thoroughly check their hard drives for child porn and who knows what else. At least theyll find 100s of chat logs with what appears to be conversations between an adult and a minor. Hmmm, which is which? With all these Yahoo IDs, whos to say? What about all the evidence where PJers actively participate in Satan worshiping forums and various anti-American sites?
Satan-worshipping anti-American sites? Or was it Anti-Worshipping Satan-American sites? I was too busy admiring our lack of acquittals to notice, actually. I'd love to see a defense attorney tear apart our methods too 'cause lol 268 convictions as of March 16th, 2008 lol. Of course, there are more categories, such as...
The "Even if they get convictions Xavier will fire all the contributors" category...
From 2004...
Yes, a contributor was used as a witness, (probably because I have not seen the proof as of yet), however, that makes that contributor's testimony on EVERYTHING public record. Well that contributor will not be working at PJ any more, I am almost certain of that. So far, as far as I can tell, any PJer that has had to testify in court, has suddenly stopped being a contributor.
Crap on a stick, I need to fire myself as I've testified a few times. Oh, and I need to fire everyone else. We're doomed now.
The "Pedophile websites raided by the Danish and Americans are just rational discussion forums that are rational okay?" category...
From 2004...
From what I've seen, the Danpedo site was a rational discussion forum. They did not condone any sort of sexual predatory behavior, stalking, coercion, rape, etc. etc. They did however feel there was nothing wrong with love between adult and child - not necessarily involving sex but not excluding it per se. Perhaps it was denial or justification. That's their explanation and I took it at face value. After all the site was based out of Denmark... and many detractors from North America felt that the site should have been censored or somehow a firewall around USA should be made to block them because it did not meet community standards here. So there was some American bashing going on there too. But through it all there were some rational discussions on both sides.
Of course, the Danish Pedophile Association aka "DanPedo" was raided by law enforcement and a ton of them were convicted of having child pornography. Afterwards, the association shut down. Rational. Oh boy.
The big "lawsuits will destroy them oh yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh they coming get r' done!" category...
From 2004...
Many business operate prior to be found to be lacking in some serious legal areas. The time will come. Law suits will come. If as you say PJ is working hand-in-hand with law enforcement then you have no reason to feel threatened by our existence. Then we are all just blowing hot air and engaging lawyers and class action suits for no reason. Rest assured PJ will be put under the microscope.
From 2004...
What would you need to know? The names of the lawyers? Their clients? I can tell you with 100% assurance that I have personally spoken to 3 attorneys representing different PJ victims, one who has already had a hearing for the issuance of restraining orders against PJers (two of the contributers attended the hearing) and two who are working on it. I can tell you that there are defamation suits pending. I will NOT tell you who is involved with these suits for obvious reasons. For what it's worth, I can assure you that the only smoke being blown is on PJ, in an attempt to ensure their users are kept in the dark regarding the upcoming legal challenges.
From 2004...
Again, you can choose to believe me or choose not to, that's your perogative, but their ARE a number of lawsuits being brought by a number of victims. You might ask yourself what purpose would I have in making something like that up? It's not our intention to "strike fear in the hearts of PJers or AG". That would accomplish little. It's simply to provide the truth, and make as much evidence of the truth available to the people who are asking for it. As yet, not a single lawyer has received an "opinion" from us. Many have received information, mostly copied from PJ itself. If they are able to use that information to disprove what you are suggesting, that's what we're here for. It will be up to a court, not you or me, to decide whether AG condones harrassment or engages in defamation. If the information we've gathered is used, I strongly suspect it will not be a difficult task.
It's taken four years or so, guess it was a difficult task?
From 2004...
I am afraid you're going to have to take my word for what I've said, and watch for the court cases. In every argument you've posted, it's going to be up to the courts to interpret whether what PJ does can be considered harrassment, and whether AG can be held responsible. In my personal opinion, (again, I'm not a lawyer) I believe that we've collected enough evidence to show that what I've surmised and posted here is true, and I firmly believe (as a result of my discussions with the lawyers who are asking for this stuff) that they have very good cases, and are very likely to get a judgement against both AG, and a number of his contributers.
Well, that didn't come to pass, but I do have judgements to share!
Peanut butter is only awesome with chocolate.
Dean Martin is one cool cat, even if he has been dead for over a decade.
Motorcycles are pretty dumb.
There isn't a bad seat in the Rose Garden, period.
Organic beef is a great recipe for getting food poisoning, nothing more.
There, those were some fine judgements indeed.
From 2004...
If your friend is still recieving harrassment, threats, or anything else from PJ, please contact me privately. We are in contact with a number of lawyers, and are providing the information necessary to get legal action taken against PJ. There are a number of cases going forward as we speak, in if your friend is interested in recovering some of the costs associated with the harrassment and terrorism, it is very possible that they could join the growing number of civil cases being brought against PJ.
I wonder how all those turned out... hmm. I should investigates!
From 2004...
If our assertions are untrue, you won't need to point it out - Time will be the proof. If no lawsuits are launched against PJ, Angry German, or their contributers, then our assertions will have proven to be false. Again, I suggest you keep watching this space. It is doubtful you will receive any information from PJ when the suits have been launched, and will have to rely on us to get any details. (Have you seen any evidence over at PJ of the fact that there are restraining orders pending against some of the PJ contributers? No. That they've already spent time in a courtroom to answer to the restraining orders? No.) I invite you to "stay tuned", wait for the legal challenges to begin, THEN decide if our allegations are "unsupported".
Oh yeah, time was the proof. Nevermind.
The "Actually, they will all go to jailasaurus, Fred Flintstone" category...
From 2004...
As the publicity mounts, and Xavier's ego (and yours too) will rise, and then suddenly, POOF.. It will be gone, because the lawsuits will begin to mount, and so will the police checking into the laws that PJ are breaking. Just because there are a few journalists who do not check into PJ completely before giving their reports, does not mean that PJ is working with "clean hands". And that dirt is what will be their downfall.
I better hide this blog before the police comes and gets me. Damn.
From 2004...
The laws they are violating could be criminal, if enough evidence is able to be gathered to prove it Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
The ones we've been mainly discussing happen to be Civil Laws, which are clearly violated. The main aspect of a Civil suit is to gather as much information to actively prove your case to a judge before submitting a request for a suit.
Getting a case heard in a federal setting takes time, Federal courts are pretty busy. I'd just keep your eyes and ears open. Things do be a-comin'.
Those courts must be really fuckin' busy.
The ones we've been mainly discussing happen to be Civil Laws, which are clearly violated. The main aspect of a Civil suit is to gather as much information to actively prove your case to a judge before submitting a request for a suit.
Getting a case heard in a federal setting takes time, Federal courts are pretty busy. I'd just keep your eyes and ears open. Things do be a-comin'.
From 2004...
All it takes is one good case, one good argument, and one well-thought out decision by a judge to completely ground the PJ machine. Or one District Attorney bold enough to take a stand. Both of those are likely in the future.
The lawsuit isnt about money - its not about looking for damages. Hell Xavier Von Erck doesnt have deep pockets - theres no way to get money out of that anonymous loser (lets see how much longer you can stay anonymous, Xavier). Its about getting legal precident to shut down PJ forever.
I am scared of this "precident" as we could be shut down forever. Actually, a lot of these sound like lame comic book villain dialog.
The lawsuit isnt about money - its not about looking for damages. Hell Xavier Von Erck doesnt have deep pockets - theres no way to get money out of that anonymous loser (lets see how much longer you can stay anonymous, Xavier). Its about getting legal precident to shut down PJ forever.

Yes, that is definitely bad comic book villain dialog.
The "I have a better idea, I'll be vague so nobody can call me out on my bullshit four years from now" category...
From 2004...
Oh really? Hmm.. What DON'T you know? Actually there is ALOT that you don't know. Maybe sometime you will find out what IS being done. And with that, I will just bite my tongue. But don't think that nothing is being done, because alot IS being done, but as it was explained before, the wheels of justice move slowly.
So just keep watching, and be patient Smile
There is ALOT you DON'T know but that I KNOW and it IS important so neener yeah stuff someday maybe. I'll bite my tongue now, K?
So just keep watching, and be patient Smile
The "random hilarious statements about Dateline NBC" category...
From 2004...
Really now. Dateline was present while PJ was making a bust? And you automatically spin this into a statement that PJ will be "featured"? Funny how your interpretation of things are so different from the rest of the world. Suffering from a bit of misdirected narcissism, are we? If they even do a story, it will be about a firefighter who allegedly attempted to solicit sex from what he thought to be an underage girl. At the most, PJ may be mentioned. But here's the $64,000 question... Does the Dateline crew know the whole story behind PJ? Or, like the supposed law enforcement and Harvard law professors that you claim have given approval on PJ's work, do they only know about the front page and have been kept in the dark regarding the REAL reason for PJ's existence. Well, they will know soon.
At the most, PJ may be mentioned! That's the most. And then later they'll attack Perverted-Justice 'cause of evil revelations that will reveal themselves. Man, looking at the above quote is just hilarity in retrospect. That's just great, that makes my day.
From 2004...
No, here is what will REALLY happen- the moment Dateline airs it's story, we will contact Dateline, and give them access to the PJ Forums, so they can see all of the private information of neighbors, friends, family, bosses, etc. of the busts, and they can read the forums where people are being told to go to the house of the bust, call the bust repeatedly and harass them, etc. and they will then have a REAL story to tell.
That'll be a REAL story, I wonder how long the production is going to take on it because usually Dateline kicks out stories in a faster fashion. They must really be putting time into this one, polishing it up real good.
The "wishful thinking with autocratic despot line thrown in" category...
From 2004...
PJ is getting some real media attention now moreso than ever I believe. As the popularity of PJ grows, I feel the loose-knit anarchist hierarchy with its autocratic despot will eventually be caught slipping up. When it is caught slipping up, it will most likely be shut down. I believe the bubble will burst on PJ.
I have to say, autocratic despot is something that is very awesome to be called. And man, I don't know where this person buys their bubble solution, but I've never seen bubbles last this long. It's like, you use the wand and blow the bubble and then you age over 1,200 days and then your friend, now called "Bubbley" finally dies. Poor Bubbley, he never saw his fifth birthday :(
The "Xavier is a Nazi Kevin Smith" ending category...
From 2004...
AG would never admit it, but you can tell by all his attention to this stie that he is shitting in his wittle pants. He is scared TO DEATH of what we can do. He knows his methods are fucked up. He knows it is only amatter of time before he goes down. HE KNOWS THAT SOON HE WILL AGAIN BE A NOBODY. His nazi like followers will dry up and AG will be a loner, sitting alone wacking off while watching wrestling.
Luckily, I don't watch wrestling anymore and haven't for years. It's all about Mixed Martial Arts now. Go Karo Parisyan! You are the uncrowned champion, I believe in you!
From 2004...
He has pictures of himself with Alan Rickman and Alainis Morrisette on his blog. Knowing the other info we know about him and these pictures, can't he be found by someone, like the FBI? Just a thought.
Yeah, but they didn't account for the fact that Rickman knows how to keep his dirty English mouth shut. You may cast Alan Rickman in horrible movies, you may deny his talent and make him do B movies... but not even under incredible torture and interrogation will Alan Rickman ever drop the dime.
The man is just not a rat.
Anyways, so sums up a nice look back at stupid statements from four years ago. I'm sure I can make this a yearly thing and we'll look at dumb statements from 2005 in 2009. Unless...
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